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5 Lean behaviours we should all practice
Lean is much more than just a tool box. James discussed the key lean behaviours required to drive sustainable rapid improvement. Hopefully you have been enjoying my articles (if you haven’t I’d be pleased for the feedback). If you have been reading along then you will...

Transformational Leadership
Lean thinking requires a very different mindset at all levels of the Organisation. Here James discusses how our approach much change based on what we have in front of us. This week I have been invited into a really exciting organisation that is transforming the way it...

Organisational Reflection
Lean is very much about Organisational development and to develop as an Organisation we must learn as a team. For my last blog of the year, I thought it appropriate to write a little about reflection. It’s strange that in life we seem to need some sort of milestone or...

5 points for perfection
We are all undertaking a healthy pursuit of perfection, but can we really get there and if not, how do we enjoy the journey in trying? After writing my last entry on Pull, I thought it only right to move onto perfection. As I’m sure you’re aware that this is the fifth...

Keep Pulling
A short discussion on how the lean principle of Pull means much more than just a kanban card in a box. The five lean principles are well known nowadays. Many organisations across just about any industry you can think of work extremely hard to implement them. With this...

A year from now, you’d wish you had started today
All organisations want to sustainably improve so why are we not starting immediately and taking full advantage? It can be hard to get started with a task or activity you know you really should start sometimes – my currently unused gym membership is a fine example....

Are you a suitable candidate?
Everyone has a different perception and things to offer us, so how can we take advantage? As is becoming a theme through my articles, the importance of understanding people and taking appropriate time to develop their skills in problem solving should not be...

Is Lean the best way to make change happen?
For sure there are plenty of Lean zealots out there who are totally committed to that statement. People who live and breathe Lean as a way of life, always looking to make a difference and always looking for opportunities to make things better. I share much with these...

50% improvement in one week is more than an aspiration
If you're not used to working in an environment that regularly does extraordinary things in terms of Lean improvement, then you can be forgiven for being sceptical when someone makes extraordinary promises. In some circumstances this scepticism is probably healthy as...